Bhavesh K Savla

Process of changing the registered office address of a LLP after incorporation

This article describes the process of changing the registered office address of a Limited Liability Partnership under various circumstances.

The form to change the registered office address of a LLP is Form 15.

Once you prefill the LLPIN, you will be able to see the present address. You have to write the new address of the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).

Also the following further information has to be entered:

  1. Within same city/town/ village
  2. One one place to another within same state
  3. Within same state but from jurisdiction of one RoC to another RoC (This can happen only in two states – Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu) since these are the only two states which have more than one RoC.
  4. Change from one state to another

The following documents are to be attached with Form 15:

Dates of filing

Form 15 is to be filed within 30 days of the change in address.

Where the change is from one state to another, the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) shall publish a general notice at least 21 days before filing of Form 15 in two newspapers ; one in English and the other in the principle local language of the district where the present office is located.

The relevant provisions are given in Section 13 of the LLP Act, 2008 and Rule 16 of the LLP Rules, 2009.

Other related articles are as follows:

Change in registered Office of a private limited Company

Other LLP Compliance: